ReactJS is a powerful JavaScript library that allows developers to create interactive UIs. However, mastering it requires an understanding of the component life cycle methods and how they work together. This article will provide you with an in-depth look at React’s component lifecycle, including what each method does, when they are called, and how you can use them to their fullest potential.

By understanding the component life cycle methods, you will be able to create components that are more efficient and effective. You’ll also have a better understanding of how React works, allowing you to debug any issues that may occur during development.
Let’s start by looking at what the component lifecycle is in React and how it works.
Component Mounting
The first stage of the component lifecycle is mounting. This is when the React component is created and added to the DOM (Document Object Model). During this phase, several methods are called in order:
- `constructor`: The `constructor` method is called before a React component is mounted. Here you can set initial state values and bind event handlers to the component.
- `componentWillMount`: The `componentWillMount` method is called just before a React component is mounted. Here you can perform any setup or configuration needed for your component.
- `render`: The `render` method is called next and it’s responsible for returning the component’s JSX (JavaScript XML) code. This is the HTML markup that will be displayed on the page.
- `componentDidMount`: The `componentDidMount` method is called after a React component has been mounted and it’s where most of the setup work for components takes place. Here you can make API calls, set timers, and add event listeners.
Components and JSX in React JS
Besides understanding the component life cycle methods, it is also important to understand how components and JSX work in React.

Components are the core building blocks of React applications and they allow developers to create reusable code. The components can be written in either JavaScript or JSX (JavaScript XML). JSX is an HTML-like syntax that makes it easier for developers to write React components. It is important to note that JSX must be compiled before it can be used in the browser. learn more about optimizing performance in React JS at
JSX allows developers to write reusable React components that are easier to read and maintain than plain JavaScript code. Additionally, JSX makes debugging easier since you can easily identify any errors that may occur.
State and props in React JS
Another important concept to understand for React JS developers in React is the use of props and states. Props are a way for components to pass information from one component to another, while a state is an object that holds data related to a component.
Props are immutable, which means they cannot be changed once they are passed in, while the state can be updated throughout the lifecycle of a component.
It is important to understand how props and states work together when creating React components, as this will help you create more efficient and effective code.
Handling events in React JS
It is important to understand how events are handled in React. Events allow developers to respond to user input and interaction with the application.
Event handlers can be added to components by using the `on` prefix (e.g. `onClick`, `onChange`, etc.). These event handlers will then call the appropriate function which will handle the event accordingly.
Working with lists and forms in React JS
React also makes it easy to work with lists and forms. Lists can be rendered in React easily by using the `map` method, which allows developers to iterate over an array of items and return a list of JSX elements.
Forms can be created by using the `<form>` element along with the appropriate `input` elements for each form field. The `onChange` event handler can then be used to update the state with the user’s input.
React JS lifecycle method deprecations
It is important to note that some React lifecycle methods have been deprecated and should no longer be used. The `componentWillMount` and `componentWillReceiveProps` methods are now considered legacy APIs and should not be used in your code. Instead, you should use the new `getDerivedStateFromProps` method for updating the state based on props.
The lifecycle methods can be divided into three main categories
To better understand React’s component lifecycle, it is helpful to divide the methods into three main categories: mounting, updating, and unmounting.

- Mounting phase methods are called when a component is first created and added to the DOM. These include `constructor`, `componentWillMount`, `render`, and `componentDidMount`.
- Update phase methods are called when a component’s state or props are changed. These include `shouldComponentUpdate`, `componentWillUpdate`, `render` and `componentDidUpdate`.
- Unmounting phase methods are called when a component is removed from the DOM. These include `componentWillUnmount`.
By understanding the different lifecycle methods and how they are used, you will be able to create React components that are more efficient and effective. This will also ensure that your applications run smoother and faster.
Routing and navigation in React JS
In addition to understanding the component lifecycle, it is also important to understand how routing and navigation works in React. Routing allows developers to control which components are displayed based on the current URL. This can be done with a library such as React Router. React Router makes it easy to create routes for different pages, as well as add parameters to routes.
Navigation in React can also be done with the `<Link>` element which allows developers to easily create links between different pages. This is a great way to improve user experience and make it easier for users to move around your application.
Styling React components
Finally, it is important to understand how styling works in React. Styling can be done with standard CSS or with a library such as styled-components. styled-components allows developers to create and style components without the need for external stylesheets or classes. This makes it much easier to keep components and styles consistent throughout the application.
Testing and debugging in React JS
It is also important to understand how to test and debug React applications. Testing allows developers to ensure that their application is working as expected, while debugging helps identify any issues with the code.
Testing can be done with libraries such as Jest or Enzyme. Jest allows developers to write and execute tests, while Enzyme is used for testing React components.
Debugging can be done with the React DevTools extension which provides a powerful debugging interface. This allows developers to quickly identify and fix any issues in their code.
Deploying a React JS application
Finally, deploying a React application is relatively easy. There are various hosting services available such as Heroku, Netlify, and Firebase that make it easy to deploy React applications with just a few clicks.
It is important to understand the steps required for deploying a React application, as this will ensure that your application is deployed correctly and efficiently.
Best practices for React JS development
To create a successful React application, there are some best practices that should be followed. These include:
- Use functional components over class components whenever possible
- Try to keep your components as small and focused as possible
- Follow the single source of truth principle when managing application state
- Use a linter to identify and fix any potential issues in your code
- Make use of code splitting techniques to improve performance
In conclusion, React is a powerful tool for creating modern web applications. It is important to understand the basics of React before diving into development, such as understanding the component lifecycle and different libraries available. Additionally, best practices should be followed whenever possible to ensure that your application runs smoothly and efficiently. With these tips in mind, developers can easily create high-quality React applications.
By understanding and following these guidelines, React developers will be well on their way to creating powerful web applications with React.